CBD oil is an extract from cannabis that does not produce any of the psychoactive properties of marijuana. Cannabidiol, also known as hemp CBD oil, has been used in Europe since the 1970s as a medicine for patients with epilepsy and other disorders. CBD is a natural phytocannabinonoid found in hemp plants dating back at 1940. Cannabidiol belongs to a group of phytocannins called cannabimimetic agents. They have an anti-inflammatory action and may prevent or reduce the development of tumors in the body. It accounts for at least 40% of all the plant's oil and is also one of the most potent antioxidant compounds found in nature. Medical uses of CBD oil are limited to epilepsy, but it is thought to help people with a wide range of other medical conditions including Alzheimer's disease. The chemical is believed to be neuroprotective and acts against neuroinflammation in the brain. Its anti-inflammatory actions may stop or reduce symptoms of arthritis, ulcers, cancer, heart disease and stroke. Some research even suggests that it could help alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy. As well as the many different uses for this oil, CBD has also recently been shown to be beneficial in treating depression. It has been used in clinical trials to treat a type of depression called dysthymia, which is a condition where a person suffers from alternating periods of low and high mood. In studies, researchers found that CBD decreased the levels of a neurotransmitter called dopamine in the brain, which can in turn reduce symptoms of depression. In clinical trials it was also found to improve the sleeping patterns and appetite in some patients who suffered from this condition. As these studies continue, CBD oil seems to be one of the next big things in our quest for a more natural alternative to medication. Other studies are also looking at its ability to fight certain types of cancers and Alzheimer's disease, although there is still no definitive evidence as to whether it can actually treat those conditions. One of the main barriers to the development of a pharmaceutical CBD derivative is that it is not yet approved by the FDA. So what does it take to grow CBD? It takes about 100 flowers of cannabis per plant, although more will yield higher quality oil. The plants are typically grown outdoors, but can be grown indoors if the soil is rich in nutrients. If you live in a warm climate, be sure to grow them from seeds.